Graduate Periodontics Residency Program

The Graduate Periodontics Residency Program begins July 1 of each year and is of 36 months duration. Upon successful completion of the program, the resident is awarded a Certificate in Periodontics and is eligible to take the American Board of Periodontology examination. A Master of Science in Dentistry degree is a requirement of the program, and residents are prepared to defend a Master’s Thesis.


The program is planned to be multifaceted and to utilize the extensive facilities and outstanding personnel of the University of Colorado to provide:

  • A strong foundation in the basic sciences, including surgical anatomy, cell biology, biochemistry, immunology, research methodology, and others.
  • Clinical science courses that include occlusion, oral medicine, oral pathology, dental implantology, interdisciplinary treatment planning, and others.
  • An extensive review of the periodontal literature to provide the basis for understanding current philosophies of therapy and to establish a scientific basis for formulating comprehensive treatment plans.
  • Exposure to a wide range of periodontal diagnoses requiring a variety of therapeutic procedures. Residents are encouraged to utilize a variety of materials and clinical techniques as long as there is evidenced-based research to support their clinical decision-making.
  • Research opportunities in either basic science or clinical areas to enable the resident to accomplish a meaningful original research project.
  • Teaching experience in both the classroom and clinic to communicate those principles and skills acquired during training.
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