Mission, Vision, Goals & Values

University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine

The CU School of Dental Medicine Strategic Plan has four mission areas: education, research, patient care and community engagement. These align with the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus mission areas.
Three Integrated Value Threads impact the mission areas and include: DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion), health and wellness of SDM resources, and innovation.
A goal has been identified for each mission area and integrated value thread. Priorities define the intent of each SDM mission area goal. Objectives and targets of each goal are assessed in the continuous monitoring of the CU SDM Institutional Effectiveness Plan.


The University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine (CU SDM), a collaborative partner on the Anschutz Medical Campus, is a diverse learning, clinical care and research community. The CU SDM is committed to integrated health that innovates, treats, and discovers for the well-being of, and in service to, local and global communities.


The CU SDM will be recognized as the leading transformative dental institution that graduates future-ready practitioners to deliver research-informed person-centered-care.

Student Success and Resilience

The School of Dental Medicine will provide contemporary educational programs that prepare future-ready dentists with the knowledge, skills and values to practice general dentistry as critical thinkers and lifelong learners, dedicated to fulfilling the public’s trust.

Inquiry and Collaborative Science

The School of Dental Medicine will conduct collaborative research activities to contribute to the discovery and dissemination of new knowledge and evidence-based practice for society’s benefit and to be consistent with and advance the mission of the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus.

Person-Centered Clinical Activities

The School of Dental Medicine’s patient care programs will provide person-centered oral health care and support provider wellness, while serving as a clinical resource for dental and post-doctoral students, residents, and the community.

Population Health

The School of Dental Medicine will provide oral health care to underserved populations in our communities, involve students in outreach and service-learning, support interprofessional education and patient care, work with community partners on research activities, and provide programs to benefit our alumni and other members of the dental profession in Colorado, nationwide, and globally.

Integrated Value Threads for the Mission Areas

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Support an ongoing review of practices to ensure a just and equitable SDM environment where diversity and difference are celebrated.

  • Goal
    The School of Dental Medicine’s education, research, patient care, and community engagement programs will be strengthened by an accountable culture of inclusion for all, and our students, faculty, and staff feel that they belong.

Health and Wellness of SDM Resources
Promote the mental health and overall wellness of the SDM community members, while securing, managing, and building capital and human resources that support the School of Dental Medicine.

  • Goal
    The School of Dental Medicine will invest in and support growth of its human resources, facilities and technology to promote wellness, safety, accountability, and sustainability in operations.

Embrace the SDM’s Innovation Agenda to catalyze changes in the education, research, clinical care, and community engagement missions of the SDM.

  • Goal
    The School of Dental Medicine is committed to being a transformational dental institution that educates a future-ready dental workforce, creates new knowledge, provides person-centered care, and enhances the communities we serve by incorporating innovative technologies and methods throughout the school and its programs.

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